S2. Where AI chat is used

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Session 2 - Outline for Students

Introduction to Session 2. The current generation of AI based 'Chat' tools (e.g. Claude AI or ChatGPT 4o) are already extremely powerful. Do not be misled by the fact that they can make silly mistakes, or that they can invent things and then confidently assert they are real. When prompted correctly they can provide expert level answers and solve difficult problems of many types. In terms of capability they are not at all the same as the voice based tools we have had around our houses for many years.

They are also in their infancy and are improving at exponential speed behind the scenes. You will soon be talking to an intelligence that far exceeds our own and which moves at speed.

If possible experience an AI Chat tool live. If there is a suitable device available try talking to Hume: demo.hume.ai/

Remember. If you use a free AI chat tool then it is probably not as good as the paid version from the same supplier, which itself is not as good as the unreleased version they have nearly completed inhouse.

A. Useful things to do with an 'AI Chat' tool

In a later section below we will look at the different ways AI Chat is delivered, for example text, voice and through wearable devices

Here we mostly used one AI Chat tool, Chat GPT from OpenAI to ask a series of questions to see a little of what is possible (March 2024). Note that more recently (June 2024) we have found Claude AI an excellent way to try a free tool.

A1. AI for gardening advice

Simple questions like this show just a fraction of what AI can offer.

ChatGPT gardening tip

Or you can even enter an image and a question like this.

garden image

Prompt: "As an expert gardener please describe all plants and trees you see in this image." The answer is not given here but it is quite long and detailed. Do try this with your garden, if you have one.

A2. AI for exercise advice

You can ask AI to be your coach.

ChatGPT exercise question
ChatGPT exercise advice

A3. AI for learning a language

See how easily AI switches between languages.

ChatGPT language example

A4. AI for complaining politely

If you know in outline what you want to say, AI will do the rest.

ChatGPT request for a draft
ChatGPT draft letter

A5. AI as a do-it-yourself advisor

Whatever the problem, AI has a suggestion.

ChatGPT advice about radiators

A6. AI for crosswords and puzzles

Whenever you get stuck, AI is worth asking.

ChatGPT solves a clue

A7. AI for inspiration

AI is great at finding the right words.

ChatGPT finds some quotations

A8. AI for medical advice

You need to be particularly careful with this one obviously. Nevertheless, AI can be helpful in filling that space where a problem is not bad enough to go immediately to the Doctor but it still needs thinking about.

ChatGPT gives medical advice

A9. AI for travel

Wherever you are going, AI has already been there.

ChatGPT as a travel guide

A10. AI for research

Need an answer to the question that has been bothering you?

ChatGPT explains the fall of the Roman Empire

A11. AI for quick legal advice

Need somewhere to start on how to deal with that annoying legal problem? You should always double check anything AI says but it can often provide a useful reference or law for you then to go online and examine.

illegal parking on your land question

illegal parking on your land answer

A12. AI for technical support

Not only does AI start with a very broad grasp of all things technical and scientific, it can go online in a few seconds and research anything you need. If you were trying to do this yourself with a traditional search engine, you would still be looking at the search results and trying to wade through the adverts when the AI has already summarised them. Of course, always double-check the answers from AI as some answers may be fictional! Note. The information given here has NOT been checked.

tech support question

tech support answer

A14. AI for creating websites. The Appetite AI website provides recipes for popular main meals when entertaining friends. It took just three days to create with all images coming from Midjourney and all code and research by Claude.AI It shows that AI tools will soon allow completely 'non technical' people to create websites, apps and games simply by describing what they want. Here is another example of a Claude AI created educational game for learning times tables.

home page of Appetite AI website

A15. AI for anything. Whatever your latest hobby or fad! Here it is growing lentil seeds to sprouts.

growing lentil seeds

B. The ways that 'AI Chat' tools are accessed.

For most people their main experience of using AI Chat (also called AI Conversation) tools is in one of three ways:

a. Customer support systems, either online or by phone.
b. Home devices like the Amazon Alexa
c. On phone helpers

There will shortly be AI Assistants in every aspect of life, and these will be interacted with in many ways.

B1. The Impact of Powerful Chatbots.

Most examples above were provided by the OpenAI 'ChatGPT 4' tool and are the first responses to the questions asked. Some of the suggestions are no doubt imperfect or just plain wrong. At the moment you need some care and experience to get best value from any such tool. Soon however they will be very powerful indeed.

Most AI Chat tools on computer, tablet or phone now allow you to not only type in a question but to also add a photo. Soon however an AI chat tool will be using its device camera to permanently capture video of what is happening around, and understanding it fully.

Voice First. This means that everything about how you interact with technology is transforming. Increasingly you will use voice to interact with your phone and computer, which will talk back to you. This means that many existing 'apps' and websites will no longer have a meaningful function.

B2. AI Wearables

The concept of 'A wearable' is an item that is carried on your body, whether part of your clothes, as jewelry, as a headset. It has strong AI and contains one or more cameras, a microphone and speakers as well as other sensors. Sometimes it has intelligence 'onboard' and at other times it works through a cloud connection to intelligence.

In some cases the 'wearable' has very comprehensive capability. Others are simple 'AI Assistants' doing things like search and navigation. Some simply record the wearer's life for later analysis. Here are a few examples.

Humane's AI Pin

A small device that could be pinned to your jacket, with cloud AI and camera etc. Believed that it has not sold in the volumes the founders hoped for.

Meta's Smart Glasses

Designer prescription glasses with built in camera and audio etc as well as Cloud AI. Most people clearly would be unaware that you are fully equipped to record anything you want! Available from all good stores such as John Lewis from £ 299 (June 2024)

The Rabbit R1

Square red device with camera, audio, Cloud AI. Promised interesting ability to interface with websites for you and more, but has not yet lived up to its initial promise.


Small device on pendant that can record your interactions including analysing who is speaking and summarise them for you.

C. Power Prompting.

This is where it is useful to discuss how creating more complex prompts can improve the performance of AI tools. Also how to recognise when a chat tool is being 'lazy' and how to overcome that. Finally, a good reason to be polite to your chat tools.

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Future discussions. In Session 4 we look in detail at some additional things chat tools are useful for, including writing fiction. We also look at some of the ways such tools are created and what that tells us about how to use them.

End of session tasks.

A. Group campaign letters. This can be on any topic as the group prefers - but a suggestion:

Is there something the Group members think should happen to improve local community awareness of and competence in AI? Should the 'council' or other authority be making resources available? Should schools be acting more positively to AI? What else might the Group achieve?